Fourth edition of my eBook: Bible truths you won’t hear at church

As many of you know, I wrote an article back in April of 2017 titled Why I Couldn’t Return To Church, which was eventually renamed to Bible truths you won’t hear at church in its third edition on July 7 of 2023 (with its second edition being titled Nearly everything we learned at church was… Continue reading Fourth edition of my eBook: Bible truths you won’t hear at church

So you want to become a Christian?

Have you come to believe that the Bible is the word of God, and decided that means you should become a Christian? Well, you’re on the right track with the first part (about the Bible), but before you take the plunge into the Christian religion, there are some things you should be aware of. First… Continue reading So you want to become a Christian?

Answers to “12 Questions for Those Considering Universalism”

Randy Alcorn just re-published Michael McClymond‘s article titled 12 Questions for Those Considering Universalism (originally published in December on The Gospel Coalition website as 12 Questions for the Would-Be Universalist). Because some Christians who haven’t studied the topic carefully enough might not know how easy it is to answer these questions, I thought I’d quickly do… Continue reading Answers to “12 Questions for Those Considering Universalism”

Where in the world is Drew Costen?

As I write this, I’m sitting in downtown Toronto, Ontario, but if the time ever comes that you can’t find me (presuming I haven’t died or something), and you’re wondering where in the world I might be, I’d suggest taking a look at the various websites — and, perhaps even more importantly, the various YouTube… Continue reading Where in the world is Drew Costen?

What does the Bible say that is?

Want a handy little trick for discussing theology with Christians (especially Christians who believe that less literal translations of Scripture, such as the KJV, are well translated)? Ask them what the Bible says about the topic you’re discussing. Yesterday I was chatting with one of the street preachers here in Toronto, and he asked me… Continue reading What does the Bible say that is?

God won’t force everyone to go to heaven

When discussing the topic of Universal Reconciliation, some Christians like to argue that God wouldn’t force everyone to live with Him forever in heaven, because they think He wouldn’t do anything that would go against our supposed ”free will” (many also try to sanitize the idea of never-ending torment in ”hell” or in the lake… Continue reading God won’t force everyone to go to heaven

Jesus only returns once

Trying to refute the idea of the Snatching Away (or the Rapture, as he called it), I recently had someone tell me that Jesus only returns once, saying, “There’s nothing in the Bible that indicates Jesus will return from heaven to the earth twice.” And you know what? He’s absolutely right. Jesus only returns to… Continue reading Jesus only returns once