Where in the world is Drew Costen?

As I write this, I’m sitting in downtown Toronto, Ontario, but if the time ever comes that you can’t find me (presuming I haven’t died or something), and you’re wondering where in the world I might be, I’d suggest taking a look at the various websites — and, perhaps even more importantly, the various YouTube… Continue reading Where in the world is Drew Costen?

Why I have reassurance that we believe the truth

As I assume happens to every believer at one time or another, I sometimes have occasions where I’ll begin to question whether what we believe is true — including whether or not the Bible really is the word of God — or whether those of us who believe what we do might just be fooling… Continue reading Why I have reassurance that we believe the truth

Answers to “12 Questions for Those Considering Universalism”

Randy Alcorn just re-published Michael McClymond‘s article titled 12 Questions for Those Considering Universalism (originally published in December on The Gospel Coalition website as 12 Questions for the Would-Be Universalist). Because some Christians who haven’t studied the topic carefully enough might not know how easy it is to answer these questions, I thought I’d quickly do… Continue reading Answers to “12 Questions for Those Considering Universalism”

You’re not ready to reject Universalism yet

As I wrote last week, many Infernalists (and, I should add, even some Annihilationists) will quote Bible verses assuming that they disprove Universalism, and presumably also assuming that we’ve never heard those passages before (or at least assuming we don’t believe those passages are true). Anyone who does that without already knowing how it is… Continue reading You’re not ready to reject Universalism yet

That passage of Scripture you referred to doesn’t disprove Universalism the way you assume it does

Whenever the topic of Universal Reconciliation comes up, some Infernalist (meaning a believer in the doctrine of never-ending torment) inevitably says something like, “This particular passage of Scripture proves that Universalism can’t be true,” and then refers to a passage they assume proves their soteriology. What they forget is that a text read out of… Continue reading That passage of Scripture you referred to doesn’t disprove Universalism the way you assume it does

This website is not run by the Concordant Publishing Concern

It’s been brought to my attention that some people have mistakenly assumed this website is run by the CPC (the Concordant Publishing Concern, who are the people responsible for the translation and publishing of the CLV, meaning the Concordant Literal Version of the Bible). While those who run the CPC are fellow “Concordant” believers, and… Continue reading This website is not run by the Concordant Publishing Concern

Concordant Christology: Arianism vs Socinianism

Those of us in the ecclesia called the body of Christ — not to be confused with members of the Christian religion who mistakenly use our title — are not Trinitarians (nor are we Modalists, for the same reasons we don’t believe in the Trinity). As far as why we aren’t Trinitarians, I’ve written about that elsewhere, so please… Continue reading Concordant Christology: Arianism vs Socinianism

Reading the KJV concordantly

For many years now, English speaking members of the body of Christ have tended to prefer literal translations of Scripture, including Bible versions such as the CLV (the Concordant Literal Version), the YLT (Young’s Literal Translation), and the Writ (also known as the Dabhar Translation), to name what are probably the three most popular literal… Continue reading Reading the KJV concordantly

A challenge for Christians regarding my theology

When a Christian discovers that my current interpretations of Scripture aren’t the same as the interpretations they hold to, on most occasions they feel compelled to tell me I’m wrong and that I need to stop interpreting Scripture that way. The problem is, nearly every Christian who has condemned my beliefs will try to convince… Continue reading A challenge for Christians regarding my theology