That passage of Scripture you referred to doesn’t disprove Universalism the way you assume it does

Whenever the topic of Universal Reconciliation comes up, some Infernalist (meaning a believer in the doctrine of never-ending torment) inevitably says something like, “This particular passage of Scripture proves that Universalism can’t be true,” and then refers to a passage they assume proves their soteriology. What they forget is that a text read out of context is just a pretext for a proof text, and they never seem to realize that most of us Universalists (especially we “Concordant” Universalists) are already intimately familiar with every passage they can throw at us, having studied Scripture far more in depth than they likely have (as much as it might sound like it, this isn’t bragging; this is simply stating a fact), and that we in fact actually believe every one of those passages they’re using. The difference is, because we’ve actually studied Scripture in context, we know what those passages actually mean, and aren’t just eisegeting them the way Infernalists are forced to do in order to defend their doctrine.

So, Infernalists, rather than just quoting passages you don’t even know the meaning of, and which we Universalists actually agree with wholeheartedly (because we actually understand the meanings of those passages), perhaps try looking into what it is those passages really mean. I wrote an eBook explaining what pretty much every single supposed Infernalist “proof text” actually means, and while I’ve asked hundreds of Infernalists to refute it, and a number of them have promised to do so since I wrote it, literally zero Infernalists have gotten back to me with their promised refutations. Meanwhile, a number of Infernalists who actually took the challenge to read it got back to me telling me they’re now convinced that everyone indeed will eventually experience salvation. So if you want me (or any of us) to believe in Infernalism again (because I was once an Infernalist too, before I took the same challenge to look into the scriptural interpretations and arguments I later laid out in this book after I realized I couldn’t refute them myself), you’re going to have to show us where we went wrong in our exegesis as discussed in that study — which you can find for free here: Bible truths you won’t hear at church: Learn what Scripture really says about sex, hell, tithing, and much more