This is an introduction to the topic of Universal Reconciliation, also known as Universal Salvation, the doctrine of Apocatastasis (or Apokatastasis), Scriptural Universalism, and Christian Universalism, among other names, which is the doctrine that all people will eventually be (or already have been) reconciled or saved by Christ.
I have included many different articles on Universal Reconciliation by many different Universalists here. Keep in mind as you read that, while there are Universalist denominations out there, Universalism is technically not a denomination at all, but is rather a soteriological model just like Calvinism and Arminianism are (or Infernalism and Annihilationism are, if you prefer). Keep in mind as well that not all Universalists agree one hundred percent with each other on every aspect of theology any more than every Calvinist or Arminian does, so you might find points in some of the articles that disagree with each other (and please note that most of these articles are not written by “Concordant” believers — if you’d like to see my own articles on the topic from that perspective, I listed many of them here: Actual Good News).
I’m providing these resources to demonstrate that Scripture seems to teach Universal Reconciliation over the alternative views of soteriology, and also to show that tradition and basic common sense back it up as well.
Articles on Universal Reconciliation and Related Topics:
- What is Christian Universalism?
- Christ Triumphant
- Universalism: The Prevailing Doctrine of the Christian Church During Its First Five Hundred Years
- Damned Nonsense: An Argument for Universalism consisting of a critique of all of the alternatives to it (PDF document)
- Hope Beyond Hell: The Righteous Purpose of God’s Judgment(PDF document)
- The Outcome of Infinite Grace: Death Swallowed Up in Victory
- The Second Death and the Restitution Of All Things
- The Bible Hell
- Unquenchable Fire
- The Ultimate Redemptive Purposes of God: Scriptures Concerning the Reconciliation of All Things
- Abraham’s Bosom (Lazarus and the Rich Man)
- What About the Narrow Gate?
- Conforming To YOUR Image Of God
- The “God” of christianity vs. the God Of the Bible
- Jesus’ Teaching On Hell
- The Fate of the Wicked
- Is Salvation A Deliverance From Hell or Eternal Death?
- Eternal Judgement
- Eternal Punishment – Is It Really of God?
- The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment
- Etymology of the Word Damn
- Eternal Torment vs. Reconciliation
- Bible Threatenings Explained
- The Truth About Reconciliation
- How Christians Can Become Atheists
- The Doctrine of Hell Terrorizes: Testimonies of individuals who had been exposed to the teaching of Hell
- Absolute Assurance in Jesus Christ
- Questions Without Answers – A “Refutation” – A Response
- Judging Our Maker
- Universalism and the Bible
- Why Live A Good Life If All Will Be Saved?
- The Totality of Redemption
- Do You Believe ALL In the Bible?
- Hope For All Generations and Nations
- According To the Purpose
- The Early Christian View of the Saviour
- Shall the God of the Whole Earth Do Righteously?
- God All in All
- Is Our Father Master Builder or Great Destroyer?
- Christian Partialism
- Especially Those That Believe
- Romans Chapter One
- Is Jesus the World’s Greatest Sinner?
- The Greek Word Aion-Aionios Translated Everlasting-Eternal In the Holy Bible Shown To Denote Limited Duration
- An Analytical Study of Words
- Does “foreverS AND everS” Make Sense to You?
- Eternity Explained
- The Lake of Fire
- Does Jesus REALLY Love Little Children?
- Bible Translations That Do Not Teach Eternal Torment
- Be A Messenger of Great News!
- Saved By His Life!
- The Purpose of the Law
- The Hypocrisy of False Expressions Among Christians
- If Hell is Real (Popular Myths Refuted)
- Answers to 21 Anti-universalist Objections
- Hell is Leaving the Bible “forever.”
- Charts for Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, and Tartarus
- History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Retribution